Developing a Green Approach

tree care aerial lift

We started our company over 40 years ago with the underlining mission to preserve and protect our greatest living assets: Our trees and Natural Areas. One of the greatest things I learned over the last 40 years is how efficient trees and natural areas are. Its a great system that never uses more energy than it needs, never wastes…

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When You Think about Planting, Think about the Environment

Bees, bats, butterflies, birds and beneficial insects all need our help. If you are thinking about planting this spring remember to think about our environment. Pollinators are in trouble. Many of them are mysteriously dying at alarming rates. I include bats even though they aren’t really pollinators in NH they are very beneficial (1 adult can eat between 600 and 1200 mosquitoes in an hour). Habitat loss and fragmented…

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Sugar Maple Damage during Tapping

Maple Tree Pails

We all know the beginning of spring by the increase in maple sap buckets that adorn maple trees throughout the area. But did you know that collecting maple sap injures the tree? There are several important facts to remember before tapping a tree: Large old trees should never be tapped. Only tap trees that are in the woods and…

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